
All our products are suitable for use in hospital environments, as well as in industrial manufacturing and sterilisation processes. Our products are rated Class I and are produced according to standards EN 868-2/3/4/5 and ISO 11607-1. They comply with current directives and regulations. Our company is ISO 13485 compliant


The pouches and rolls for medical products that we produce have been developed under certain requirements regarding tensile strength, peelability and labelling. This ensures our customers receive the product in the best conditions and with the utmost quality guaranteed


Bolsaplast has a range of products in stock ready to be sent very quickly. Once the order is received, it is managed and sent within a maximum of 72 hours. The time the order is in transit will depend on each destination, and our customers can rest assured that their orders are processed as swiftly as possible

Bolsaplast: our mission

To become a benchmark worldwide, recognised by patients, medical professionals, and institutions as an active, reliable company. To have an efficient network of national and international distributors that offer specialist assistance to meet purchaser requirements. To promote the training of RUMED (Reprocessing Unit for Medical Devices) personnel

BOLSAPACK – Pouches and rolls for Steam / EO / Formaldehyde

Made of 60 g/m² medical grade paper and blue-tinted transparent plastic film. Printed with chemical indicators for Steam/EO/Formaldehyde

BOLSAPACK – Pouches and rolls for VH2O2 / Plasma / Peroxides

Made of Tyvek® and transparent plastic film. Printed with chemical indicator for VH2O2

BOLSACOVER – Nonwoven pouch

Made of non-woven and blue-tinted transparent plastic film. High Resistance

BOLSADUST - Protective pouch

Made of transparent PE with a box in which to write any important information. Designed to protect and prevent damage to sterile packaging and as extra protection during transport

BOLSARISK - Biohazard bags

Made of high grammage PP, printed with steam process indicator. Used for the collection, transport and processing of contaminated products.
The thick seal at the bottom provides high resistance to tearing and breakage

BOLSAPOCKET - Sorting pouch

Made of nonwoven fabric and blue-tinted transparent plastic film. Especially designed for sorting products in metal containers, in flexible packaging (pouches/rolls), or in sterilisation areas

BOLSACREPE - Sheets of crepe paper

60 g/m² crepe paper. For the wrapping and sterilising of medical products, and for the protection of sterilisable trays and double wrapping, in addition to other materials

BOLSAIMPLANT - Bags for implants and screws

One side is made of aluminium and one side of transparent film. They can also be made entirely of aluminium. A quality bag for a high performance product

BOLSAPACK - Industrial packaging

We supply printed medical grade paper, films of different compositions, pouches and rolls with your brand name, etc. We specialise in all types of packaging

MBTROLLEY -  Covers (trolley - textile - pallet)

Covers for protecting trolley in hospitals, dinning rooms, nursing homes, schools, etc. Also for textiles and covers for protecting palletized goods


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